September 19, 2022

Prevent isolation of remote employees

Encourage outdoor breaks, conduct weekly one-on-one meetings. Discover our tips to prevent isolation when telecommuting.

Prevent isolation of remote employees

⇒ Take regular breaks. Encourage outdoor coffee breaks when telecommuting. In order to encourage employees to take breaks outside during the day, it is possible to set up a "coffee ticket " allowing the employee to treat himself to one or two coffees per day near his telecommuting location in the catering establishment of his choice.

⇒ Conduct frequent 1o1s with each employee. We invite you in parallel to train managers in one to one, so that they guarantee confidentiality and ease of exchange. We recommend weekly meetings in hybrid mode.

⇒ Help prioritize employees who may be less independent

⇒ Invite young employees / recruits to prefer face-to-face

⇒ Provide psychological counseling to employees who want it through the Offishall Care subscription.

⇒ Train and designate mental health ambassadors within your facility, (including through the specialized company It is recommended that you choose different volunteers with varying levels of authority.

Two years after the beginning of the epidemic, the foundations of the employee/employer pact have been transformed. Flexibility, trust, a better work/life balance and freedom to organize working hours: these are the new credos of the majority of post-covid workers. Hybrid work will be the norm with 2 to 3 days of telework in 2025, according to the latest survey conducted by ANDRH and the BCG firm.

Whether it is full, regular or occasional, the use of telework seems to be a must today to boost the attractiveness of companies and their employer brand. If teleworking has many advantages - savings on travel time, lower CO2 emissions, freedom of organization for the employee - it also involves various psychological, social, insurance, managerial or organizational risks.

How can they be avoided? What mechanisms should be put in place to best support the hybridization of work in organizations? How can we make hybridization an opportunity for organizations rather than an obstacle? Discover here our advice and best practices to adopt to meet the challenge of hybrid transition.