November 22, 2022
1 minute

Recruitment difficulties, legal problems with teleworking and falling down the stairs

Find out what you shouldn't have missed in the news about hybrid work over the last two weeks.

Recruitment difficulties, legal problems with teleworking and falling down the stairs

The mysteries of the Great French Resignation: how to explain recruitment difficulties

Signed by several academics specialising in human resources and management, this paper published in the magazine The Conversation (and then picked up by the JDD and Maddyness) explores the phenomenon of the Great French Resignation. The trend is not new, the authors tell us, as the recruitment shortage was there before the pandemic. The main lesson is that employees are questioning the moral and social pact proposed by companies, notably because of teleworking, ecology and de-unionisation. We also learn that in the energy sector, bakers and beauticians are being recruited as operators to make up for the lack of manpower.

Teleworking: he falls down the stairs, the court concludes that it was an accident at work

This is the story of a man who wakes up and leaves his room to go to his office on the lower floor to work from home. Badaboum, he falls down the stairs and fractures a thoracic vertebra. Was this an accident at work or not? The German courts said yes last week, considering it to be an accident on the way to and from work. The information was reported in various media, including Capital. This event raises the ambiguities of insurance for teleworkers.

In the United States, the legal imbroglio for the management of remote employees depending on the state

This article on the Reuters website discusses the legal framework for telework in the US, which varies from state to state. Several issues are addressed by the authors of the paper, Mark Goldstein and Saranne Weimer, both US employment lawyers:

How to ensure that overtime is counted and paid for employees who are eligible to telework? Small tasks performed outside the shift should be taken into account by the employer, the authors tell us, as should answering e-mails or calls outside the working day.

Other questions are: to which law is the teleworker operating from a different state from the office location subject? And by extension, to what tax policy?

But also, how does the employer pay for telecommuting expenses in different states? While California requires companies to reimburse expenses incurred by telecommuting employees, other jurisdictions are silent or unclear on this issue.

Edmée Citroën

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