November 22, 2022
2 minutes

Delivery workers, couriers, drivers: when precarious workers fight back

Check out our selection of the best articles on the future of work over the last 15 days.

Delivery workers, couriers, drivers: when precarious workers fight back

Many French people are in favour of hybrid mode

This article published on the site boursier. com relates the results of a study conducted in September 2021 by Atlassian. The main finding is as follows: the majority of French people are in favour of the hybrid model. This alternation between face-to-face and remote work is adopted by 68% of French respondents, placing France at the top of the ranking, followed by India and Japan. Although the French want to combine office and home office, few of them fully carry out their functions remotely (22%). This is a culture that differs greatly across the Atlantic, with one in two workers teleworking in the US.

The 100% remote scares the French, nearly one in two declare spending less time exchanging with their colleagues remotely and a third of respondents say they are participating less and less in collective sessions. Hence the importance of tools for organising collective moments in person 😉

HRDs face the future of work

The above observation is confirmed by another study conducted jointly by ANDRH and BCG, according to which HRDs' primary concern is the implementation of hybrid working methods over the next three years.

On the podium of employees' priorities, post-covid, we find shared meaning, better delegation and more flexibility. These issues are turning the management function upside down as it faces these new challenges. The HR function's field of action should therefore continue to grow, according to this article published in the magazine Décideurs.

The deliverymen and couriers counter-attack (or what they tell us about the new modes of governance)

Let's look at the future of corporate work through the prism of the "gig-economy", i.e. small jobs. Deliverymen, couriers, drivers, these precarious workers (who are demanding a status close to that of employees - social security coverage, wage increases, better working conditions) are organising their resistance. In China, for example, "they exchange information about 'no-fly zones', places where deliveries can be refused. For example, large housing estates where buildings are legion and are all opportunities to lose precious time" explains this article, published in the ADN.

It is therefore necessary to reform labour law and "rethink the social contract - status, social benefits, insurance, means of negotiation, new trade unions - at a time when employees have become hybrid workers, the self-employed have become more numerous and workers in a gig economy are constantly changing", according to the journalist Lila Meghraoua.

Offishall is an employee presence management solution that aims to support organizations in the implementation of the hybrid work mode - alternating between telework and face-to-face. Every day, the company allows thousands of users to know who is where when and therefore to find their way around the office (better). The Offishall Planning tool contributes to boosting the attractiveness of the structures by helping them to take up the great HR challenge of the decade: that of work flexibility.

Edmée Citroën

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