What is hybrid work? What does "going flex" mean? There is a plethora of new work organisations two years after the start of the pandemic. Here are the definitions of recurring terms in HR jargon.
This is the alternation between telework and face-to-face work. Since the spread of teleworking, 38% of employees practice hybrid mode and do their jobs from the office or from home, depending on the day of the week. This is an organisation that employees are very much in favour of: almost half of all employees state that they want to work in hybrid mode according to the latest Malakoff Humanis barometer. Structures generally adopt agreements providing for 2 days of telework per week.
Flex-office means that employees are no longer assigned a specific seat. No more green plants, kitschy mugs and family photos on each other's desks, with flex, employees can sit at any place they like. The workspace then has fewer available seats than there are employees. Organisations usually allocate a private space for employees to arrange their belongings in a closed locker, for example. While more than half of companies are considering switching to flex, those that have already done so claim a square metre saving of 15% to 35%.
It is a way of working based on trust, in which the employer does not care when and how the employees work, as long as they deliver results and meet the deadlines. Smart-working is a new way of directing work, abandoning any rigidity or predefined model in order to focus on the essentials: ideas, projects and people. This method overturns the presentational culture, in which it is better to work at fixed times from the office.
The benefits of smart-working for the employer include real estate savings, a borderless talent pool and a better employer brand.
This term refers to a break with fixed working hours, the aim being to respect the rhythm of each individual. Asynchronous working allows employees to work early in the morning, late in the evening or at night, according to their preferences. It aims to promote the work-life balance of employees working remotely. Reserved for tele-robust professions, this mode of work involves a great deal of written communication between employees.
This term refers to workers who choose to work remotely from abroad. Whether they are freelancers or employees, these workers change their place of work according to their wishes and travel frequently. Costa Rica, Portugal, Spain or even Croatia; in view of this trend, several countries have put in place regulations - special visas in particular - aimed at welcoming these workers in search of exoticism and vitamin D.
Offishall is an employee presence management solution that aims to support organizations in the implementation of the hybrid work mode - alternating between telework and face-to-face. Every day, the company allows thousands of users to know who is where when and therefore to find their way around the office (better). The Offishall Planning tool contributes to boosting the attractiveness of the structures by helping them to take up the great HR challenge of the decade: that of work flexibility.