November 22, 2022
3 minutes

Asynchronous working time, inequalities in distance learning and compulsory tie

Every week in the press, articles related to telework are divided into two categories, the hybrido-sceptics on the one hand and the hybrido-compatibles on the other. So let's start this press review with the most enthusiastic.

Asynchronous working time, inequalities in distance learning and compulsory tie

Those who advocate a management of trust based on a model that allows employees the freedom to organise themselves; this is the case of Yves Hiernaux, author of an article published in Les Echos this week, who gives his ideas for a successful implementation of the hybrid. The co-founder of BeeBole suggests focusing on results rather than working hours to encourage employee autonomy. He also advises adopting an asynchronous work mode. "Teach your employees to communicate without waiting for an immediate response. They will be more productive (because they will be interrupted less often), better informed (since communication is not permanent, everyone will have to be extremely clear and efficient in their exchanges) and less stressed (because they are more autonomous and less solicited)," he writes in the newspaper.

The same is true of the Harvard Business Review, where this week asynchronicity is the subject of a paper by Steve Glaveski, CEO of Collective Campus.

His paper calls for more asynchronous remote communication, giving employees the freedom to decide when and where to work. The first piece of advice - which aims to avoid the flood of emails and instant messages - is to prioritise internal project management tools (Trello, Asana, Monday, or even Basecamp) in order to monitor the progress of current tasks. Another way of avoiding multiple video meetings: put an end to the (almost unlimited) reservation of slots in each other's agendas, which is often done without taking their priorities into account. Instead, opt for setting up selected time slots, during which the employee is available for meetings limited to 30 minutes.

Finally, for a successful adoption of the hybrid mode in the structures, Focus RH gives several advices through the voice of the HRD of the Mutuelle Générale, interviewed by the specialized magazine. The implementation of hybrid mode is not limited to the negotiation of weekly teleworking days. It must be accompanied by measures to make life easier for employees and managers. Thus, within the group, managers are trained, particularly in the culture of feedback in hybrid mode. A quarterly opinion survey is also conducted among employees. Finally, the choices made by each individual are reversible, whether it be teleworking or flex, and employees can reverse their decisions and therefore have a great deal of freedom in their organisation.

In the same way that the CSA imposes a balance of speaking time between the different political representatives, there is now room for hybrid-sceptic content:

"The antonym of the word 'hybrid' is 'pure'. If it is easily understood in biology, it is not without meaning in relation to work and the company: does not hybrid work lead to an alteration of the company, does it not ultimately develop to the detriment of the collective organisation and the mix of its social sub-groups?"

Here is an extract from a paper published in Les Echos, [which is therefore an example in the balance of speaking time on the subject of work hybridisation]. Signed by François Carles, founder of the Permalia platform, the article points out the risk of a reinforcement of the social divide linked to inequalities between teleworkable and non teleworkable jobs.

And finally ... #FunFact: To avoid another incident of video shamelessness, Canadian MPs are now obliged to respect the dress code required in parliament by wearing a jacket and tie, even when teleworking.

Edmée Citroën

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